After a long wait, snow is finally falling in the Tahoe basin. According to the weather geek, http://www.tahoeloco.com/weather-geek we got 10-14 inches of new snow!! It is exciting to look out the window and see the trees blanketed in snow. Even so,  the snow pack is still only at 14% of normal.  http://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Snowing-in-Tahoe-As-2nd-Snow-Survey-to-take-place-242753321.html

This Sunday is Ground Hog Day. According to folklore, if it is sunny and the ground hog comes out and sees his shadow he will go back in his burrow and winter will continue for six more weeks. According to Accuweather, Sunday will be sunny and cold. Let’s hope they are right!!